#Adulting Iron Clothes

#Adulting Iron Clothes

You have an interview or a wedding to attend and you just realized that your dress pants are in a ball in the corner of your closet. What do you do?
Your mother gave you an iron, it’s round here somewhere. No board, no problem. Fold up a towel and lay it on the rug or table. Some place hard that will resist heat (in other words – not on a plastic table – that will melt).

#Adulting Jump Start a Car

#Adulting Jump Start a Car

Few things are worse than a dead battery. Especially a dead battery in the middle of winter! Every adult should know how to Jump Start a Car or at the very least know where to find the information. Bookmark this Page so you have it when you need it.

#Adulting Parallel Parking

#Adulting Parallel Parking

Yes you had to do it to pass your drivers exam, but Parallel Parking is something you forget over time.
If you need a refresher, we have one for you. Just watch the video below and learn to Parallel Parking once again

#Adulting Balance a Checkbook

#Adulting Balance a Checkbook

Even if you only use your debit card and have never written a check, you still need to know how to balance your checkbook in case your account is ever hacked.

#Adulting Write a Check

#Adulting Write a Check

Here’s one (I can’t add it myself now because I’m at work. But I’m bored. lol) Most bills can be paid online now, and most purchases can be made with credit cards. However, there WILL be times when you need to mail a payment or pay with a check for some reason. When that time comes, be ready! Know how to write a check!

#Adulting Make a Salad

#Adulting Make a Salad

Salads are the ultimate adulting food It’s healthy, full of stuff like vitamins and fiber, and it’s low in fat and calories. Unfortunately, salad gets a bad rep because it can also be low on fun and flavor. Here’s some advice on how to make a tasty, satisfying salad.